The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, and the President of the ICRC, Peter Maurer, issue a joint appeal to States and all parties to armed conflict to adopt policies and practices that will enhance the protection of civilians when warfare takes place in populated areas, in particular limiting the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area.
In many recent conflicts, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) has become a common term to describe the frequent and widespread use of improvised anti-personnel mines. Yet the varying nature of this term has caused confusion as to how these weapons should be categorized within existing legal framework definitions. This blog endeavours to contribute to the clarification of this issue.
As the world marks the 70th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, what challenges lie ahead for IHL? And what are the ways to continue translating these fundamental laws into genuine protection? At this event IHL scholars discuss how the Geneva Conventions have contributed to protect humanity in war for 70 years and why those texts, and IHL generally, are as much commitments for the future as outcomes from the past.
Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, this event highlighted instances of how IHL has had a positive impact on the lives of the most vulnerable. In an interview-style format humanitarian workers and victims of armed conflicts shared some success stories of respect for IHL from the field.